Breast Reduction

Offered at our convenient location in London

Breast reduction is a procedure that helps align the dimensions of the chest with the rest of a woman’s body.

Are you experiencing back or neck pain due to the weight of your breasts? A breast reduction, also known as a reduction mammaplasty, helps to reduce the size of large or asymmetrical breasts. This procedure is often sought after to alleviate the discomfort and pain that accompanies large breasts. If you experience physical or emotional stress due to your chest, cosmetic surgery offers a simple, attractive solution.

At Dr. Grant Hamlet, we want you to be physically comfortable and enjoy the way you look. Schedule a consultation at our London office to learn how breast reduction surgery can improve your life. Feel free to reach us via phone at 0207 127 4377.

What Is Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction procedure is a surgery that removes excess tissue and brings harmony to the breasts. The surgery may be performed to correct asymmetry, reduce discomfort, or help improve the proportions of the body. Breast reduction surgery will require incisions along the breast. The exact nature of these incisions depends on the individual’s anatomy and unique aesthetic goals.

Circular Incision

An incision may be made around the border of the areola and in a circle around the tissue surrounding the areola. The medical term for a circular incision is short scar periareolar inferior pedicle reduction (SPAIR).[1] By using the SPAIR method, your doctor will minimize visible scarring and maximize your enhancement.

Keyhole Incision

This pattern requires an incision along the areola’s border, like the technique described above, but then it involves a second, vertical incision. Your surgeon will gently make an incision from the base of the areola to the breast fold (the natural crease where the breast meets the upper abdomen). The keyhole method allows your doctor greater access to the breast tissue, contouring away excess bulk and rejoining the ridges of the vertical incision skillfully.

Inverted-T Incision

To address pronounced enlargement of the breasts, your surgeon may recommend the inverted-T incision. This technique begins with the keyhole incision pattern illustrated above, then extends horizontally along the bottom curve of the breast. The lateral incisions are expertly concealed at the breast fold. The three-dimensional nature of the inverted-T incisions allows your doctor increased access to the tissue to be reduced.

Your surgeon may use one of the above incisions or a combination of them to deliver your best results. Liposuction is sometimes incorporated into the breast reduction procedure to seamlessly reduce extra breast fat. A breast reduction surgery will give you lifted and rejuvenated breasts for years to come.

Benefits of Body Contouring

Some women are dissatisfied with the look or feel of asymmetrical breasts. Most women’s breasts are a little different in size, however, some women’s breasts differ in size by half a cup or more. Women who have disproportionately large breasts may find it hard to engage in physical activities or wear comfortable clothes.

Mammaplasty surgery will improve the balance and symmetry of your body as well as alleviate any pain caused by your breasts. Along with the physical benefits associated with this procedure, it will also improve your frame of mind. Many women experience a boost in confidence and grow more comfortable with the declination and dimensions of their bodies.

Eligible Candidates

If you struggle with back pain and ill-fitting clothes, a breast reduction may be a great option for you. This surgery is a true life-changer for women with large, uncomfortable breasts or with an imbalanced chest. To learn if you are eligible for a breast reduction procedure, contact Dr. Grant Hamlet. We are here to help you get the body you want!

Private Consultation

We take pride in building relationships with our clients so we can better help and treat them. A private meeting with one of our trained, qualified surgeons will give you the opportunity to learn about the details of the surgery and how it can impact your life. Breast reduction surgery before and after photos will help you understand what to expect if you pursue the surgery. The surgeon will examine your chest and inquire about your health. You will also be able to get to know your surgeon and ask about their qualifications. Your consultation is a great opportunity to voice your thoughts and concerns about breast reduction surgery.

If a breast reduction is seen as a healthy solution to your concerns, you and the surgeon will create a treatment plan designed to your body and desired outcome. In the meantime, feel free to visit our blog for inspiration and insights regarding cosmetic enhancement.


During your consultation, your surgeon will give you detailed instructions on how to best prepare for the surgery and recovery period. Following these instructions will help you achieve your ideal aesthetic.

  • Twelve hours before your surgery, you will need to fast.
  • Get a good night’s rest and ensure you have a ride to and from the appointment.
  • Arrive a few minutes early so you can sign in and change at your own pace.

If you have any questions about preparation protocols, please contact our office online or give us a call at 0207 127 4377.


During your breast reduction procedure, general anaesthesia and sedation will be used to keep you safe and comfortable. Incisions will be made in predetermined patterns to maximize your results. Your doctor removes any unwanted fat through liposuction and contours the skin to further reduce your breast size.

When the desired volume is achieved, the surgeon will place drains and close the incisions. Drains help ensure a secure closure of the breast pocket, preventing complications such as hematomas.[2]

The entire mammoplasty procedure lasts anywhere from two to five hours. Your physique and your desired results will impact how long the surgery is. Many patients combine a breast reduction with a breast uplift. Combining these two treatments will make your appointment longer, but you will notice impressive results.

Healthy Recovery

After your surgery, your breasts will be swollen and tender. Bandages will be applied to the breasts and you will be moved to a recovery room to be monitored until you awaken.

Be careful not to bump or strain your incision sites through strenuous activity. Any discomfort can be managed with prescribed medications. A compression garment will help your newly shaped breasts adjust as well as control swelling. Brief walks will also decrease swelling by boosting circulation.

During your recovery, follow-up appointments will allow our staff to ensure you are healing properly. Follow-up appointments are an opportunity for the staff to clean incision sites and remove stitches and drains.

You should be able to return to work after a week, but will need to continue avoiding strenuous activities until you are fully healed. Everyone’s body heals at its own pace. Age, general health, and many other factors will affect your recovery time. Most patients take about a week at home to rest and recuperate. Make sure to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

Remarkable Results

Most patients will see an improvement in their chest immediately after surgery. It will take a few weeks for swelling to dissipate, but with each decrease in swollen tissue, you will notice impressive results setting in. Your final results will take a few months to develop, after your chest has completely healed.

At Dr. Grant Hamlet, we want all of our patients to enjoy their cosmetic improvements for years to come. That’s why we encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a consistent weight. To get a preview of how satisfied you will be with your newly shaped breasts, please visit our glowing reviews page.

Complementary Procedures

Breast reductions are often combined with breast uplifts. Reducing tissue may not be enough to restore your breasts to your preferred contours. An uplift will help position the chest to a higher, youthful trajectory and provide a more pleasing shape to the remaining breast tissue. A combined reduction and uplift will give you smaller, perkier breasts.

Breast enhancement procedures are often incorporated into our comprehensive mommy makeover package. If you are interested in rejuvenating your physique in response to a recent pregnancy, Dr. Grant Hamlet can help.

Cost of Breast Reduction Surgery in London

The cost of each breast reduction surgery reflects the techniques used to give each patient their best results. The prices involved in your personalized surgery will be discussed during your private consultation.


Is breast reduction surgery painful?

You will be asleep and comfortable throughout the procedure. Anaesthetic and sedation will be administered for your comfort. Afterwards, you may experience minor swelling and/or tightness. However, you can alleviate these with pain medications. You should not require prescription medications for more than a few days. The breast reduction recovery period may be uncomfortable but should not be excessively painful. If you experience pain for a long period of time, contact your surgeon.

How safe is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, like all surgeries, carries risk but has an excellent safety record. These surgeries should only be performed by qualified, licensed cosmetic surgeons with ample experience. To learn about our doctors’ unparalleled expertise, call 0207 127 4377 to connect with a Dr. Grant Hamlet representative.


  1. Hammond, D. C. (2004). The Short Scar Periareolar Inferior Pedicle Reduction (SPAIR) Mammaplasty. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 18 (3) 231–243.
  2. Tahiri, Y., Bouteaud, J., Tahiri, M., Lessard, L., Williams, B. H., & Nikolis, A. (2010). Routine drainage in reduction mammaplasty: An evidence-based analysis. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 63 (6) e549-e550. DOI:

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